Valeria Miani

Valeria Miani (1563 – 1620) was an Italian playwright noted for her works Celinda, a Tragedy, and Amorosa Speranza. Miani married Domenico Negri in 1593, with whom she had five children, Isabetta, Isabella, Lucretia, Guilio, and Anzolo. Miani is known for being the first woman to publish a tragedy prior to the 18th century. In addition, she was the third woman in Italy to write in the newly popular genre, the pastoral. Miani's works explored themes such as cross-dressing, death and punishment, female virtue, and female resilience.

Valeria Miani

Valeria Miani (1563 – 1620) was an Italian playwright noted for her works Celinda, a Tragedy, and Amorosa Speranza. Miani married Domenico Negri in 1593, with whom she had five children, Isabetta, Isabella, Lucretia, Guilio, and Anzolo. Miani is known for being the first woman to publish a tragedy prior to the 18th century. In addition, she was the third woman in Italy to write in the newly popular genre, the pastoral. Miani's works explored themes such as cross-dressing, death and punishment, female virtue, and female resilience.