Validated learning

Validated learning is used in scrum. The term was proposed by Eric Ries in 2011. It is a unit of progress process and describes learnings generated by trying out an initial idea and then measuring it against potential customers to validate the effect. Each test of an idea is a single iteration in a larger process of many iterations whereby something is learnt and then applied to succeeding tests. The term coined in the lean startup scene, but it can be applied universally. Typical steps in validated learning: Phrased in a different way To specify a goal, SMART target finding could apply.

Validated learning

Validated learning is used in scrum. The term was proposed by Eric Ries in 2011. It is a unit of progress process and describes learnings generated by trying out an initial idea and then measuring it against potential customers to validate the effect. Each test of an idea is a single iteration in a larger process of many iterations whereby something is learnt and then applied to succeeding tests. The term coined in the lean startup scene, but it can be applied universally. Typical steps in validated learning: Phrased in a different way To specify a goal, SMART target finding could apply.