Van Wijngen International

Van Wijngen International is a European logistic company based in the Netherlands, in the middle of the Benelux transportation roads between the two main ports; Antwerp and Rotterdam. The company owns around 110 trucks and provides services such as distributing goods with their own trucks and third party suppliers. They have two locations; one in Breda, Netherlands and one in Valenciennes, France. Van Wijngen currently employs about 130 people.

Van Wijngen International

Van Wijngen International is a European logistic company based in the Netherlands, in the middle of the Benelux transportation roads between the two main ports; Antwerp and Rotterdam. The company owns around 110 trucks and provides services such as distributing goods with their own trucks and third party suppliers. They have two locations; one in Breda, Netherlands and one in Valenciennes, France. Van Wijngen currently employs about 130 people.