Verna Vels

Verna Barbara Robertson Vels (13 June 1933 – 21 August 2014) was a South African writer and radio/television personality. She was responsible for programs on art and programs concerning youth. She was closely involved in the planning of television programs for the establishment of the Afrikaans service and started the children's magazine. Her most famous work was Liewe Heksie; the stories were originally written for radio and later published and edited for television and video.

Verna Vels

Verna Barbara Robertson Vels (13 June 1933 – 21 August 2014) was a South African writer and radio/television personality. She was responsible for programs on art and programs concerning youth. She was closely involved in the planning of television programs for the establishment of the Afrikaans service and started the children's magazine. Her most famous work was Liewe Heksie; the stories were originally written for radio and later published and edited for television and video.