
Veur-Lent is the name of an island in the Dutch river Waal. This city island is part of the municipality of Nijmegen, it is situated in the Lent Quarter, north of the city center. Owing to the threat of dike breaches at high water, it was decided in 1995 that more water would need to flow through the river. Because the sharp bend in the Waal at Nijmegen created a bottleneck and restricted the water flow, a three kilometer long parallel gully, called the Spiegelwaal, was dug at this point. This resulted in the creation of the new island.


Veur-Lent is the name of an island in the Dutch river Waal. This city island is part of the municipality of Nijmegen, it is situated in the Lent Quarter, north of the city center. Owing to the threat of dike breaches at high water, it was decided in 1995 that more water would need to flow through the river. Because the sharp bend in the Waal at Nijmegen created a bottleneck and restricted the water flow, a three kilometer long parallel gully, called the Spiegelwaal, was dug at this point. This resulted in the creation of the new island.