Vice President of Brazil

The vice president of Brazil (Portuguese: Vice-Presidente do Brasil), officially the vice president of the Federative Republic of Brazil (Vice-Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil), or simply the Vice President of the Republic (Vice-Presidente da República) is the second-highest ranking government official in the executive branch of the Government of Brazil, preceded only by the president. The Vice President's primary role is to replace the president on the event of his or her death, resignation, or impeachment, and to temporarily take over the presidential powers and duties while the President is abroad, or otherwise temporarily unable to carry out his or her duties. The Vice President is elected jointly with the president as his or her running mate.

Vice President of Brazil

The vice president of Brazil (Portuguese: Vice-Presidente do Brasil), officially the vice president of the Federative Republic of Brazil (Vice-Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil), or simply the Vice President of the Republic (Vice-Presidente da República) is the second-highest ranking government official in the executive branch of the Government of Brazil, preceded only by the president. The Vice President's primary role is to replace the president on the event of his or her death, resignation, or impeachment, and to temporarily take over the presidential powers and duties while the President is abroad, or otherwise temporarily unable to carry out his or her duties. The Vice President is elected jointly with the president as his or her running mate.