Vice President of Chile

Vice president of Chile was a political position in Chile from 1826 to 1833. In 1826, jointly with the establishment of the title of President of the Republic, the position of Vice President was created, whose function was to replace the President in the cases of illness, absence and others. Agustín Eyzaguirre was elected as the first vice president in the election of 1826. Francisco Antonio Pinto was designated in the position in the election of following year.

Vice President of Chile

Vice president of Chile was a political position in Chile from 1826 to 1833. In 1826, jointly with the establishment of the title of President of the Republic, the position of Vice President was created, whose function was to replace the President in the cases of illness, absence and others. Agustín Eyzaguirre was elected as the first vice president in the election of 1826. Francisco Antonio Pinto was designated in the position in the election of following year.