Visual comparison

A visual comparison is to compare two or more things by eye. This might be done by placing them side by side; by overlaying them; by alternating an image or by presenting each image to a separate eye. Such comparisons are the first stage in a child's development of an understanding of geometry and measurement, before they move to an understanding of measuring devices such as a ruler. Comparison by eye may also be used as a source of amusement or intelligence testing, as in the popular puzzle of spot the difference.

Visual comparison

A visual comparison is to compare two or more things by eye. This might be done by placing them side by side; by overlaying them; by alternating an image or by presenting each image to a separate eye. Such comparisons are the first stage in a child's development of an understanding of geometry and measurement, before they move to an understanding of measuring devices such as a ruler. Comparison by eye may also be used as a source of amusement or intelligence testing, as in the popular puzzle of spot the difference.