Volcano hummingbird

The volcano hummingbird (Selasphorus flammula) is a very small hummingbird, native to the Talamancan montane forests of Costa Rica and western Panama. This tiny endemic bird inhabits open brushy areas, paramo, and edges of elfin forest at altitudes from 1850 m to the highest peaks. It is only 7.5 cm long. The male weighs 2.5 g and the female 2.8 g. The black bill is short and straight. This species is replaced at somewhat lower elevations by its relative, the scintillant hummingbird, Selasphorus scintilla.

Volcano hummingbird

The volcano hummingbird (Selasphorus flammula) is a very small hummingbird, native to the Talamancan montane forests of Costa Rica and western Panama. This tiny endemic bird inhabits open brushy areas, paramo, and edges of elfin forest at altitudes from 1850 m to the highest peaks. It is only 7.5 cm long. The male weighs 2.5 g and the female 2.8 g. The black bill is short and straight. This species is replaced at somewhat lower elevations by its relative, the scintillant hummingbird, Selasphorus scintilla.