Walk of Fame of Italian sport

Walk of Fame of Italian sport (Italian: Walk of Fame dello sport italiano) is the Walk of Fame of the Italian sport, inaugurated by Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) on 7 May 2015. It is a list of 117 Italian all-time champions, which has been implemented on three occasions (five new entries in 2015 and 2016 and seven in 2018), from the initial 100 names.

Walk of Fame of Italian sport

Walk of Fame of Italian sport (Italian: Walk of Fame dello sport italiano) is the Walk of Fame of the Italian sport, inaugurated by Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) on 7 May 2015. It is a list of 117 Italian all-time champions, which has been implemented on three occasions (five new entries in 2015 and 2016 and seven in 2018), from the initial 100 names.