
The wardroom is the mess cabin or compartment for commissioned naval officers above the rank of midshipman. Although the term typically applies to officers in a navy, it is also applicable to marine officers and coast guard officers in those nations that have such service branches. Typically the mess compartment aboard a naval or coast guard vessel, and on larger vessels, such as aircraft carriers of the United States Navy, there may be more than one wardroom. It may also be used to refer to similar officer mess facilities at naval, marine, and coast guard installations ashore.


The wardroom is the mess cabin or compartment for commissioned naval officers above the rank of midshipman. Although the term typically applies to officers in a navy, it is also applicable to marine officers and coast guard officers in those nations that have such service branches. Typically the mess compartment aboard a naval or coast guard vessel, and on larger vessels, such as aircraft carriers of the United States Navy, there may be more than one wardroom. It may also be used to refer to similar officer mess facilities at naval, marine, and coast guard installations ashore.