We are fed up

We are fed up! (Wir haben es satt!) is the theme of a series of demonstrations in Germany against industrial livestock production and for more sustainable farming. The biggest demonstrations take place every year in Berlin since 2011 and attract up to 30,000 people. Around 120 different groups, which represent farmers, companies, and environmental rights and animal rights activists organize and sustain the demonstrations. The protests take place parallel to the Berlin International Green Week.

We are fed up

We are fed up! (Wir haben es satt!) is the theme of a series of demonstrations in Germany against industrial livestock production and for more sustainable farming. The biggest demonstrations take place every year in Berlin since 2011 and attract up to 30,000 people. Around 120 different groups, which represent farmers, companies, and environmental rights and animal rights activists organize and sustain the demonstrations. The protests take place parallel to the Berlin International Green Week.