Weena (The Time Machine)

Weena is a fictional character in the novel The Time Machine, written by H. G. Wells in 1895 on the concept of time travel. In the story, an unnamed time traveler travels to 802,701 A.D. using his time machine, to find that humans have evolved into two species: the Eloi, the leisure class; and the Morlocks, the working class. He meets an Eloi girl named Weena, whom he takes on an expedition and loses in his battle against the Morlocks. Three films have been based upon the story, in 1960, 1978, and 2002, each portraying Weena differently.

Weena (The Time Machine)

Weena is a fictional character in the novel The Time Machine, written by H. G. Wells in 1895 on the concept of time travel. In the story, an unnamed time traveler travels to 802,701 A.D. using his time machine, to find that humans have evolved into two species: the Eloi, the leisure class; and the Morlocks, the working class. He meets an Eloi girl named Weena, whom he takes on an expedition and loses in his battle against the Morlocks. Three films have been based upon the story, in 1960, 1978, and 2002, each portraying Weena differently.