Whistler Weasel Workers

The Whistler Weasel Workers is a volunteer organization of alpine ski race workers that has been active in Whistler, British Columbia(BC), Canada since the 1970s. The Whistler Weasel Workers is a non-profit society dedicated to the advancement of alpine ski racing in British Columbia and Canada. The Weasel Worker's major activity is the preparation and maintenance of ski race courses and the support and organization of ski racing competitions.

Whistler Weasel Workers

The Whistler Weasel Workers is a volunteer organization of alpine ski race workers that has been active in Whistler, British Columbia(BC), Canada since the 1970s. The Whistler Weasel Workers is a non-profit society dedicated to the advancement of alpine ski racing in British Columbia and Canada. The Weasel Worker's major activity is the preparation and maintenance of ski race courses and the support and organization of ski racing competitions.