White Namibians

White Namibians (German: Weiße, Europäer Namibier) are people of European birth or descent living in Namibia. The majority of White Namibians are Afrikaners (locally born or of South African descent), with many of the White minority being German Namibians (descended from Germans who colonised Namibia in the late-nineteenth century). Many are also Portuguese or English immigrants. Current estimates of the White Namibian population run between 75,000 and 150,000. This imprecision in data is because the Namibian government no longer collects data based on race.

White Namibians

White Namibians (German: Weiße, Europäer Namibier) are people of European birth or descent living in Namibia. The majority of White Namibians are Afrikaners (locally born or of South African descent), with many of the White minority being German Namibians (descended from Germans who colonised Namibia in the late-nineteenth century). Many are also Portuguese or English immigrants. Current estimates of the White Namibian population run between 75,000 and 150,000. This imprecision in data is because the Namibian government no longer collects data based on race.