Wim Kortenoeven

Robert Frank Willem "Wim" Kortenoeven (born 29 May 1955) is a Dutch author, journalist and former politician. Kortenoeven engages in political developments in the Middle East, focusing on the Arab-Israeli conflict. He also writes about Jewish history. On these subjects he gives lectures and guest lectures and contributes to , the monthly magazine of the Dutch foundation (Dutch: 'Christenen voor Israël'). Kortenoeven studied political science at Leiden University and history (unfinished) at the Dutch Open University.

Wim Kortenoeven

Robert Frank Willem "Wim" Kortenoeven (born 29 May 1955) is a Dutch author, journalist and former politician. Kortenoeven engages in political developments in the Middle East, focusing on the Arab-Israeli conflict. He also writes about Jewish history. On these subjects he gives lectures and guest lectures and contributes to , the monthly magazine of the Dutch foundation (Dutch: 'Christenen voor Israël'). Kortenoeven studied political science at Leiden University and history (unfinished) at the Dutch Open University.