Wir schaffen das

"Wir schaffen das" ("We will make it!"; "we can manage this"; "we can do it"; "we can do this") is an assertion made by German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the 2015 European migrant crisis that Germany could manage to absorb very large numbers of immigrants. It subsequently came into wide use by politicians and activists opposed to mass immigration, intending criticism of Merkel's immigration policy.

Wir schaffen das

"Wir schaffen das" ("We will make it!"; "we can manage this"; "we can do it"; "we can do this") is an assertion made by German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the 2015 European migrant crisis that Germany could manage to absorb very large numbers of immigrants. It subsequently came into wide use by politicians and activists opposed to mass immigration, intending criticism of Merkel's immigration policy.