Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006

The Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 (c 36) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. This Act repealed the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949. The Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 had as its purpose to "consolidate enactments about wireless telegraphy". The Act was successful as cited in Office of Communications and another v. Floe Telecom Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 47 to show that in the absence of a licence or exemption granted or made under Section 8 of the Act, the use of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) gateways (including Commercial Multi-User Gateways) for the purpose of providing a telecommunications service by way of business to another person is unlawful.

Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006

The Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 (c 36) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. This Act repealed the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949. The Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 had as its purpose to "consolidate enactments about wireless telegraphy". The Act was successful as cited in Office of Communications and another v. Floe Telecom Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 47 to show that in the absence of a licence or exemption granted or made under Section 8 of the Act, the use of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) gateways (including Commercial Multi-User Gateways) for the purpose of providing a telecommunications service by way of business to another person is unlawful.