With a Bang (Case Closed)

With a Bang, entitled as Yureru Keishichō: Sennihyakumannin no Hitojichi (揺れる警視庁 1200万人の人質, lit. "The Trembling Metropolitan Police Headquarter and 12 Million Hostages") in its original Japanese publication, is the 107th story arc of the Japanese manga series Case Closed, which is referred to as Meitantei Konan (名探偵コナン, lit. Great Detective Conan, officially translated as Detective Conan) in Japan. The arc follows Conan Edogawa as he works with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to catch a bomber.

With a Bang (Case Closed)

With a Bang, entitled as Yureru Keishichō: Sennihyakumannin no Hitojichi (揺れる警視庁 1200万人の人質, lit. "The Trembling Metropolitan Police Headquarter and 12 Million Hostages") in its original Japanese publication, is the 107th story arc of the Japanese manga series Case Closed, which is referred to as Meitantei Konan (名探偵コナン, lit. Great Detective Conan, officially translated as Detective Conan) in Japan. The arc follows Conan Edogawa as he works with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to catch a bomber.