Wladimir Wertelecki

Wladimir Wertelecki is a Ukrainian-American physician and Emeritus Professor and Chairman from the University of South Alabama where in 1974, he established one of the first free-standing Department of Medical Genetics. Among his goals was the successful creation of a regional network of clinics across southern Alabama and West Florida. The experience from these implementations prompted him, to organize in 1978, the Southern Genetic Group which expanded into the South-Eastern Regional Genetics Group which, to the present, serves as an exchange to enhance genetic services in six states. His clinical investigations provided and impetus for local Native-Americans to be granted Federal Recognition as Native-Americans in Alabama. In 1992, he was invited to make a presentation to the US Senate r

Wladimir Wertelecki

Wladimir Wertelecki is a Ukrainian-American physician and Emeritus Professor and Chairman from the University of South Alabama where in 1974, he established one of the first free-standing Department of Medical Genetics. Among his goals was the successful creation of a regional network of clinics across southern Alabama and West Florida. The experience from these implementations prompted him, to organize in 1978, the Southern Genetic Group which expanded into the South-Eastern Regional Genetics Group which, to the present, serves as an exchange to enhance genetic services in six states. His clinical investigations provided and impetus for local Native-Americans to be granted Federal Recognition as Native-Americans in Alabama. In 1992, he was invited to make a presentation to the US Senate r