Women's mosques

Women's mosques exist around the world, with a particularly rich tradition in China. As Islam has principles of segregating the sexes, many places of worship provide a dedicated prayer space for women within the main building, but in a few countries, separate buildings were constructed. In some cases, women were allowed to become imams. In the 21st century, many countries have seen women-led or women-only mosques created, as part of liberal movements within Islam.

Women's mosques

Women's mosques exist around the world, with a particularly rich tradition in China. As Islam has principles of segregating the sexes, many places of worship provide a dedicated prayer space for women within the main building, but in a few countries, separate buildings were constructed. In some cases, women were allowed to become imams. In the 21st century, many countries have seen women-led or women-only mosques created, as part of liberal movements within Islam.