Workers' Opposition

The Workers' Opposition (Russian: Рабочая оппозиция) was a faction of the Russian Communist Party that emerged in 1920 as a response to the perceived over-bureaucratisation that was occurring in Soviet Russia. They advocated the transfer of national economic management to trade unions. The group was led by Alexander Shlyapnikov, Sergei Medvedev, Alexandra Kollontai and Yuri Lutovinov. It existed until 1922, when it was defeated at the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). In some aspects, it was close with the German council communist movement, although there is no information about direct contacts between these groups.

Workers' Opposition

The Workers' Opposition (Russian: Рабочая оппозиция) was a faction of the Russian Communist Party that emerged in 1920 as a response to the perceived over-bureaucratisation that was occurring in Soviet Russia. They advocated the transfer of national economic management to trade unions. The group was led by Alexander Shlyapnikov, Sergei Medvedev, Alexandra Kollontai and Yuri Lutovinov. It existed until 1922, when it was defeated at the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). In some aspects, it was close with the German council communist movement, although there is no information about direct contacts between these groups.