
The Wurstelprater (Viennese "Wurstel" or "Wurschtel" = German "Hanswurst" = pantaloon) is an amusement park and section of the Wiener Prater (a park) in Leopoldstadt, Vienna, Austria. This institution dates back to the time of the Austrian Empire, when Emperor Joseph II made the Prater (which had been serving as Imperial hunting ground until then) open to the public in 1766. Soon the first snack bars, stalls and bowling alleys opened up on the grounds and the Wurstelprater was born.


The Wurstelprater (Viennese "Wurstel" or "Wurschtel" = German "Hanswurst" = pantaloon) is an amusement park and section of the Wiener Prater (a park) in Leopoldstadt, Vienna, Austria. This institution dates back to the time of the Austrian Empire, when Emperor Joseph II made the Prater (which had been serving as Imperial hunting ground until then) open to the public in 1766. Soon the first snack bars, stalls and bowling alleys opened up on the grounds and the Wurstelprater was born.