Xiangyun Airport

Yunnanyi Airport also called Xiangyun Airport is located at west of Xiangyun (Yunnan Province) in the People’s Republic of China. There were two airports be built in Xiangyun during World War II, one called Yunnanyi (Chinese: 云南驿机场) and another called Beitun (北屯机场). The Yunnanyi Airport has been abandoned since 1949. And is still used nowadays.

Xiangyun Airport

Yunnanyi Airport also called Xiangyun Airport is located at west of Xiangyun (Yunnan Province) in the People’s Republic of China. There were two airports be built in Xiangyun during World War II, one called Yunnanyi (Chinese: 云南驿机场) and another called Beitun (北屯机场). The Yunnanyi Airport has been abandoned since 1949. And is still used nowadays.