
Yippy is a metasearch engine that groups search results into clusters. It was originally developed and released by Vivísimo in 2004 under the name Clusty, before Vivisimo was later acquired by IBM and Yippy was sold in 2010 to a company now called Yippy, Inc. At the time, the website received 100,000 unique visitors a month. As of August 2019, Yippy's main page states their searches are powered by IBM Watson, asserting it is "the right search" (italics theirs) that "delivers fair search results based on balanced algorithms."


Yippy is a metasearch engine that groups search results into clusters. It was originally developed and released by Vivísimo in 2004 under the name Clusty, before Vivisimo was later acquired by IBM and Yippy was sold in 2010 to a company now called Yippy, Inc. At the time, the website received 100,000 unique visitors a month. As of August 2019, Yippy's main page states their searches are powered by IBM Watson, asserting it is "the right search" (italics theirs) that "delivers fair search results based on balanced algorithms."