Young Academy of Scotland

The Young Academy of Scotland is a Scottish organization of young people from the sciences humanities, professions, arts, business and civil society. It was established by the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2011. The members (equal numbers of women and men in their 20s to 40s) aim to provide ideas and direction for challenges facing Scotland. Membership is generally for 5 years, with selection from applications every two years. In 2021 there were 134 members.

Young Academy of Scotland

The Young Academy of Scotland is a Scottish organization of young people from the sciences humanities, professions, arts, business and civil society. It was established by the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2011. The members (equal numbers of women and men in their 20s to 40s) aim to provide ideas and direction for challenges facing Scotland. Membership is generally for 5 years, with selection from applications every two years. In 2021 there were 134 members.