Young Liberals of Canada

The Young Liberals of Canada (YLC) (French: Jeunes libéraux du Canada) is the national youth wing of the Liberal Party of Canada. All members of the Liberal Party aged 25 and under are automatically members of the YLC. The Young Liberals of Canada are an official commission of the Liberal Party and the largest youth political organization in Canada. The YLC is composed of Provincial and Territorial Boards (PTBs) in all ten provinces and clubs on almost 50 post-secondary campuses & in most of Canada's 338 ridings. The organization is led by the National Executive, the current national chair is Lucas Borchenko. The YLC plays both key role in mobilizing young people to help elect Liberal MPs during elections and developing & promoting progressive policies in between them. Many Young Liberal a

Young Liberals of Canada

The Young Liberals of Canada (YLC) (French: Jeunes libéraux du Canada) is the national youth wing of the Liberal Party of Canada. All members of the Liberal Party aged 25 and under are automatically members of the YLC. The Young Liberals of Canada are an official commission of the Liberal Party and the largest youth political organization in Canada. The YLC is composed of Provincial and Territorial Boards (PTBs) in all ten provinces and clubs on almost 50 post-secondary campuses & in most of Canada's 338 ridings. The organization is led by the National Executive, the current national chair is Lucas Borchenko. The YLC plays both key role in mobilizing young people to help elect Liberal MPs during elections and developing & promoting progressive policies in between them. Many Young Liberal a