
Zabu is a fictional Pleistocene sabretooth tiger character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is connected primarily to the Savage Land, and the X-Men, and most recently the Avengers (by way of the "Pet Avengers"). He is the last known living Pleistocene Smilodon big cat and is a companion and ally of Ka-Zar. An earlier version was known simply as Zar, in the pulp version of Ka-Zar the Savage, featured in Ka-Zar magazine.


Zabu is a fictional Pleistocene sabretooth tiger character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is connected primarily to the Savage Land, and the X-Men, and most recently the Avengers (by way of the "Pet Avengers"). He is the last known living Pleistocene Smilodon big cat and is a companion and ally of Ka-Zar. An earlier version was known simply as Zar, in the pulp version of Ka-Zar the Savage, featured in Ka-Zar magazine.