Zbraslavice Airport

Zbraslavice Airport (ICAO: LKZB) is located 1,5 km North of the small city of Zbraslavice, near the main motorway nr. 126. between the city of Zbraslavice and Štipoklasy village in Central Bohemia. The airfield may be used by light aircraft, helicopters, gliders and ultralights. The keeper is civic society Aeroclub Zbraslavice. Zbraslavice airport is the synonym for superior gliding conditions among pilots and fans of aviation sports worldwide. Therefore, the airport is a place where a number of national and international competitions is held and a lot of pilots from the Czech Republic use the airfield as training base.

Zbraslavice Airport

Zbraslavice Airport (ICAO: LKZB) is located 1,5 km North of the small city of Zbraslavice, near the main motorway nr. 126. between the city of Zbraslavice and Štipoklasy village in Central Bohemia. The airfield may be used by light aircraft, helicopters, gliders and ultralights. The keeper is civic society Aeroclub Zbraslavice. Zbraslavice airport is the synonym for superior gliding conditions among pilots and fans of aviation sports worldwide. Therefore, the airport is a place where a number of national and international competitions is held and a lot of pilots from the Czech Republic use the airfield as training base.