Zero Chill

Zero Chill is a British teen drama series that premiered on Netflix on 15 March 2021. The series is focused on the MacBentley family moving from their home in Canada to England for their son to join a hockey team. The series stars Grace Beedie, Dakota Benjamin Taylor, Jade Ma, Jeremias Amoore, Anastasia Chocholatá and Leonardo Fontes. Produced by Lime Pictures, Zero Chill was filmed in Sheffield, England.

Zero Chill

Zero Chill is a British teen drama series that premiered on Netflix on 15 March 2021. The series is focused on the MacBentley family moving from their home in Canada to England for their son to join a hockey team. The series stars Grace Beedie, Dakota Benjamin Taylor, Jade Ma, Jeremias Amoore, Anastasia Chocholatá and Leonardo Fontes. Produced by Lime Pictures, Zero Chill was filmed in Sheffield, England.