Znám's problem

In number theory, Znám's problem asks which sets of k integers have the property that each integer in the set is a proper divisor of the product of the other integers in the set, plus 1. Znám's problem is named after the Slovak mathematician Štefan Znám, who suggested it in 1972, although other mathematicians had considered similar problems around the same time. One closely related problem drops the assumption of properness of the divisor, and will be called the improper Znám problem hereafter.

Znám's problem

In number theory, Znám's problem asks which sets of k integers have the property that each integer in the set is a proper divisor of the product of the other integers in the set, plus 1. Znám's problem is named after the Slovak mathematician Štefan Znám, who suggested it in 1972, although other mathematicians had considered similar problems around the same time. One closely related problem drops the assumption of properness of the divisor, and will be called the improper Znám problem hereafter.