
Zymography is an electrophoretic technique for the detection of hydrolytic enzymes, based on the substrate repertoire of the enzyme. Three types of zymography are used; in gel zymography, in situ zymography and in vivo zymography For instance, gelatin embedded in a polyacrylamide gel will be digested by active gelatinases run through the gel. After Coomassie staining, areas of degradation are visible as clear bands against a darkly stained background.


Zymography is an electrophoretic technique for the detection of hydrolytic enzymes, based on the substrate repertoire of the enzyme. Three types of zymography are used; in gel zymography, in situ zymography and in vivo zymography For instance, gelatin embedded in a polyacrylamide gel will be digested by active gelatinases run through the gel. After Coomassie staining, areas of degradation are visible as clear bands against a darkly stained background.