
Zzzax is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in The Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #166 (Aug. 1973), and was created by Steve Englehart and Herb Trimpe. Created by accident during a terrorist act, Zzzax is a being of pure electricity who can absorb and discharge powerful currents of electricity. Its size and strength depend on the amount of electricity absorbed. It can also absorb human brain energy, temporarily taking on the personality of the victim.


Zzzax is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in The Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #166 (Aug. 1973), and was created by Steve Englehart and Herb Trimpe. Created by accident during a terrorist act, Zzzax is a being of pure electricity who can absorb and discharge powerful currents of electricity. Its size and strength depend on the amount of electricity absorbed. It can also absorb human brain energy, temporarily taking on the personality of the victim.