Moscow film programming

With two students Anastasia and Ivan, we collected data on film programming of Moscow cinema theaters from 1946 to 1955. In different years, there were up to 55 cinema theaters in Moscow. We collected data based on film programmes published in daily newspaper Vecherniaia Moskva. We have information about screening days, cinemas' capacity, partly about ticket prices. Unfortunately, we do not have information about numbers of seances in each cinema. Each screening event is single screening event. \n We collect data based on daily film programmes.

Moscow film programming

With two students Anastasia and Ivan, we collected data on film programming of Moscow cinema theaters from 1946 to 1955. In different years, there were up to 55 cinema theaters in Moscow. We collected data based on film programmes published in daily newspaper Vecherniaia Moskva. We have information about screening days, cinemas' capacity, partly about ticket prices. Unfortunately, we do not have information about numbers of seances in each cinema. Each screening event is single screening event. \n We collect data based on daily film programmes.