
.la is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Laos. Although the .la domain is officially assigned to the country of Laos, it has also been rented out to some businesses in the city of Los Angeles. No official or unofficial association exists between the .la domain and any government in the United States (see .gov and .org). Mozilla Foundation's URL shortener uses it with the "mzl.la" domain hack. Tesla Motors uses "ts.la" domain hack as a shortener and a redirect. Domain names registered with the .la top-level domain start at $50.00 and skyrocket for other generic associations.


.la is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Laos. Although the .la domain is officially assigned to the country of Laos, it has also been rented out to some businesses in the city of Los Angeles. No official or unofficial association exists between the .la domain and any government in the United States (see .gov and .org). Mozilla Foundation's URL shortener uses it with the "mzl.la" domain hack. Tesla Motors uses "ts.la" domain hack as a shortener and a redirect. Domain names registered with the .la top-level domain start at $50.00 and skyrocket for other generic associations.