
.mn is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Mongolia. It is administered by .MN Registry, Datacom. The domain name is composed of the consonants in the first syllable of the country name. The .MN registry is operated under the thick registry model. Administrative, Billing, Technical and Registrant contacts are required. The Redemption Grace Period (RGP) is available for .MN domains. The following second-level domains registration for free to qualifying entities: * .gov.mn - government institutions * .edu.mn - educational institutions * .org.mn - non-profit organizations


.mn is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Mongolia. It is administered by .MN Registry, Datacom. The domain name is composed of the consonants in the first syllable of the country name. The .MN registry is operated under the thick registry model. Administrative, Billing, Technical and Registrant contacts are required. The Redemption Grace Period (RGP) is available for .MN domains. The following second-level domains registration for free to qualifying entities: * .gov.mn - government institutions * .edu.mn - educational institutions * .org.mn - non-profit organizations