139th Pennsylvania Infantry

The 139th was formed at Camp Howe, near Pittsburgh, on September 1, 1862. Frederick H. Collier was the first colonel. After burying the dead on the field of Second Battle of Bull Run, the regiment was attached to Howe's Brigade of Couch's Division of the IV Corps of the Army of the Potomac where it replaced De Trobriand's 55th New York, Gardes Lafayette regiment on September 11, 1862. The composition of this brigade remained unchanged from this point until the war's end and included the 62d NY, 93d PVI, 98th PVI and the 102d PVI.

139th Pennsylvania Infantry

The 139th was formed at Camp Howe, near Pittsburgh, on September 1, 1862. Frederick H. Collier was the first colonel. After burying the dead on the field of Second Battle of Bull Run, the regiment was attached to Howe's Brigade of Couch's Division of the IV Corps of the Army of the Potomac where it replaced De Trobriand's 55th New York, Gardes Lafayette regiment on September 11, 1862. The composition of this brigade remained unchanged from this point until the war's end and included the 62d NY, 93d PVI, 98th PVI and the 102d PVI.