1914 Sewanee Tigers football team

The 1914 Sewanee Tigers football team represented the Sewanee Tigers of Sewanee: The University of the South during the 1914 college football season. An account of the Tennessee game reads "Lindsay, as usual, ploughed through the opposing line for consistent gains, and when it was absolutely necessary that Tennessee gain a certain number of yards 'Russ' was sure to be called upon...Mush Kerr played a wonderful game in the line as did Capt. Kelly. The work of the Tennessee line was easily the feature of the contest, and Sewanee early discovered that it was practically useless to rely on line plunges to gain ground."

1914 Sewanee Tigers football team

The 1914 Sewanee Tigers football team represented the Sewanee Tigers of Sewanee: The University of the South during the 1914 college football season. An account of the Tennessee game reads "Lindsay, as usual, ploughed through the opposing line for consistent gains, and when it was absolutely necessary that Tennessee gain a certain number of yards 'Russ' was sure to be called upon...Mush Kerr played a wonderful game in the line as did Capt. Kelly. The work of the Tennessee line was easily the feature of the contest, and Sewanee early discovered that it was practically useless to rely on line plunges to gain ground."