1996 Padilla car crash

The 1996 Padilla car crash involved an American Marine whose car swerved off the road, killing Rojita Kinjo, 36, and her daughters, Mitsuko, 10, and Mariko, 1. The crash happened only a few months after the infamous 1995 Okinawan rape incident where on September 4, 1995, three U.S. servicemen rented a van and then kidnapped and raped a 12-year-old 6th-grade Japanese girl. The Padilla car crash caused an uproar in Okinawa due to raw emotions still left over from the rape incident and the continued American presence on the island chain.

1996 Padilla car crash

The 1996 Padilla car crash involved an American Marine whose car swerved off the road, killing Rojita Kinjo, 36, and her daughters, Mitsuko, 10, and Mariko, 1. The crash happened only a few months after the infamous 1995 Okinawan rape incident where on September 4, 1995, three U.S. servicemen rented a van and then kidnapped and raped a 12-year-old 6th-grade Japanese girl. The Padilla car crash caused an uproar in Okinawa due to raw emotions still left over from the rape incident and the continued American presence on the island chain.