2004 Morecambe Bay cockling disaster

The Morecambe Bay cockling disaster (Chinese: 拾貝慘案 Shi bèi cǎn'àn, "Cockle tragedy") occurred on the evening of 5 February 2004 at Morecambe Bay in North West England, when at least 21 Chinese undocumented migrant labourers were drowned by an incoming tide after picking cockles off the Lancashire/Cumbrian coast.

2004 Morecambe Bay cockling disaster

The Morecambe Bay cockling disaster (Chinese: 拾貝慘案 Shi bèi cǎn'àn, "Cockle tragedy") occurred on the evening of 5 February 2004 at Morecambe Bay in North West England, when at least 21 Chinese undocumented migrant labourers were drowned by an incoming tide after picking cockles off the Lancashire/Cumbrian coast.