2014 Nantes attack

On 22 December 2014, a man in the French city of Nantes ran over ten pedestrians in his white van at the city's Christmas market, and then attempted suicide by stabbing himself. One person was pronounced clinically dead the following day. The attack came a day after a similar automotive attack on pedestrians in Dijon, and two days after a stabbing attack inside a police station in Joué-lès-Tours. Although the three attacks were treated as unrelated, the French government deployed 300 soldiers onto the nation's streets to heighten security afterwards.

2014 Nantes attack

On 22 December 2014, a man in the French city of Nantes ran over ten pedestrians in his white van at the city's Christmas market, and then attempted suicide by stabbing himself. One person was pronounced clinically dead the following day. The attack came a day after a similar automotive attack on pedestrians in Dijon, and two days after a stabbing attack inside a police station in Joué-lès-Tours. Although the three attacks were treated as unrelated, the French government deployed 300 soldiers onto the nation's streets to heighten security afterwards.