303 Station Hospital (Lilford Hall)

The 303rd Station Hospital was a World War II hospital established in the grounds of Lilford Hall in Northamptonshire, England in September 1943 as a 750-bed hospital to provide medical attention to wounded men returning from combat. The Hospital also catered for illness and accidents of Molesworth Base personnel. The hospital also served Polebrook (351st BG), Grafton Underwood (384th BG) and wounded from Continental Europe after D-day.

303 Station Hospital (Lilford Hall)

The 303rd Station Hospital was a World War II hospital established in the grounds of Lilford Hall in Northamptonshire, England in September 1943 as a 750-bed hospital to provide medical attention to wounded men returning from combat. The Hospital also catered for illness and accidents of Molesworth Base personnel. The hospital also served Polebrook (351st BG), Grafton Underwood (384th BG) and wounded from Continental Europe after D-day.