4015 Wilson–Harrington

4015 Wilson–Harrington is a small Solar System body known both as Comet Wilson–Harrington or 107P/Wilson–Harrington, and as an asteroid designated 4015 Wilson–Harrington. It is considered both an Apollo asteroid with the designation 4015 Wilson–Harrington and a periodic comet known as Comet Wilson–Harrington or 107P/Wilson–Harrington. It was initially discovered in 1949 as an comet and then lost to further observations. Thirty years later it was rediscovered as an asteroid, after which it took over a decade to determine that these observations were of the same object. Therefore, it has both an comet designation and an asteroid designation, and with a name length of 17 characters it is currently the asteroid with the longest name, having one more character than the 16-character limit impose

4015 Wilson–Harrington

4015 Wilson–Harrington is a small Solar System body known both as Comet Wilson–Harrington or 107P/Wilson–Harrington, and as an asteroid designated 4015 Wilson–Harrington. It is considered both an Apollo asteroid with the designation 4015 Wilson–Harrington and a periodic comet known as Comet Wilson–Harrington or 107P/Wilson–Harrington. It was initially discovered in 1949 as an comet and then lost to further observations. Thirty years later it was rediscovered as an asteroid, after which it took over a decade to determine that these observations were of the same object. Therefore, it has both an comet designation and an asteroid designation, and with a name length of 17 characters it is currently the asteroid with the longest name, having one more character than the 16-character limit impose