41 G. Arae

41 G. Arae or GJ 666 A is a binary star system in the constellation Ara. Although often called just 41 Arae, it is more accurate to call it 41 G. Arae, as the number 41 is the Gould designation (Flamsteed only covered the northern hemisphere). The two stars share a highly elliptical orbit that takes several centuries to complete. The estimates of the period range from 693 to 2,200 years, and the average separation of the two stars is about 210 AUs (or 210 times the average distance between the Earth and the Sun).

41 G. Arae

41 G. Arae or GJ 666 A is a binary star system in the constellation Ara. Although often called just 41 Arae, it is more accurate to call it 41 G. Arae, as the number 41 is the Gould designation (Flamsteed only covered the northern hemisphere). The two stars share a highly elliptical orbit that takes several centuries to complete. The estimates of the period range from 693 to 2,200 years, and the average separation of the two stars is about 210 AUs (or 210 times the average distance between the Earth and the Sun).