6-15-99 Club

The 6-15-99 Club was an organization dedicated to assisting the plight of the poor in New York City in the 1890s. The group formed branch clubs in stores, factories, and banks, expanding at a rapid rate. Employed members were expected to contribute between a penny and two and a half cents to the club daily. William De Hertburn (W. d'H.) Washington, of 145 Broadway, and prominent Manhattan businessmen envisioned raising around $13,000 daily. Isidor Straus, Oswald Ottendorfer, and former New York City mayor Franklin Edson were proponents of the 6-15-99 Club.

6-15-99 Club

The 6-15-99 Club was an organization dedicated to assisting the plight of the poor in New York City in the 1890s. The group formed branch clubs in stores, factories, and banks, expanding at a rapid rate. Employed members were expected to contribute between a penny and two and a half cents to the club daily. William De Hertburn (W. d'H.) Washington, of 145 Broadway, and prominent Manhattan businessmen envisioned raising around $13,000 daily. Isidor Straus, Oswald Ottendorfer, and former New York City mayor Franklin Edson were proponents of the 6-15-99 Club.