AEgis Technologies

AEgis Technologies is a privately held small business headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama that specializes in modeling and simulation (M&S) technology and emerging training solutions for both military and commercial applications. Mr. Bill Waite and Mr. Steve Hill founded AEgis in 1989, and AEgis has steadily grown with revenues increasing to $60+ million in sales and employment of 325+ professionals. More than 30% of its employees have military experience with 50+ employees as Certified Modeling and Simulation Professionals (CMSP). For over 25 years, AEgis has been in the forefront of efforts to establish M&S as a stand-alone science and engineering discipline in industry, government and academia. AEgis has been involved in the creation of M&S standards and professional certification acro

AEgis Technologies

AEgis Technologies is a privately held small business headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama that specializes in modeling and simulation (M&S) technology and emerging training solutions for both military and commercial applications. Mr. Bill Waite and Mr. Steve Hill founded AEgis in 1989, and AEgis has steadily grown with revenues increasing to $60+ million in sales and employment of 325+ professionals. More than 30% of its employees have military experience with 50+ employees as Certified Modeling and Simulation Professionals (CMSP). For over 25 years, AEgis has been in the forefront of efforts to establish M&S as a stand-alone science and engineering discipline in industry, government and academia. AEgis has been involved in the creation of M&S standards and professional certification acro