ANPO: Art X War

ANPO: Art X War is a 2010 documentary film directed by Linda Hoaglund. The film traces the public outrage that followed in the wake of the passing of Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan (better known in Japan as anpo joyaku, or simple ANPO) through Japanese parliament by the Nobusuke Kishi-led government on May 20, 1960. The main point of contention amongst hundreds of thousands of Japanese about ANPO was that it would allow U.S. military bases to remain on Japanese soil. The ratification of the ANPO Treaty led to a storm of public protests by members of Japanese labor unions, student organizations and also many everyday Japanese. The treaty was renewed in 1970 and just over 60 bases, offices, barracks and branches of the U.S. military still occupy

ANPO: Art X War

ANPO: Art X War is a 2010 documentary film directed by Linda Hoaglund. The film traces the public outrage that followed in the wake of the passing of Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan (better known in Japan as anpo joyaku, or simple ANPO) through Japanese parliament by the Nobusuke Kishi-led government on May 20, 1960. The main point of contention amongst hundreds of thousands of Japanese about ANPO was that it would allow U.S. military bases to remain on Japanese soil. The ratification of the ANPO Treaty led to a storm of public protests by members of Japanese labor unions, student organizations and also many everyday Japanese. The treaty was renewed in 1970 and just over 60 bases, offices, barracks and branches of the U.S. military still occupy