
AOLserver is AOL's open source web server. AOLserver ismultithreaded, Tcl-enabled, and used for large scale, dynamic web sites. AOLserver is distributed under the Mozilla Public License. AOLserver was originally developed by NaviSoft under the name "NaviServer", but changed names when AOL bought the company in 1995. Philip Greenspun convinced America Online to open-source the program in 1999. AOLserver is a key component in the Open Architecture Community System (OpenACS) which is an advanced open-source toolkit for developing web applications.


AOLserver is AOL's open source web server. AOLserver ismultithreaded, Tcl-enabled, and used for large scale, dynamic web sites. AOLserver is distributed under the Mozilla Public License. AOLserver was originally developed by NaviSoft under the name "NaviServer", but changed names when AOL bought the company in 1995. Philip Greenspun convinced America Online to open-source the program in 1999. AOLserver is a key component in the Open Architecture Community System (OpenACS) which is an advanced open-source toolkit for developing web applications.