AZeotropy, IIT Bombay

AZeotropy is annual Chemical Engineering Symposium organized by students of Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay. In Chemical Engineering terminology, Azeotrope is a mixture of two or more liquids whose proportions cannot be altered by simple distillation. On similar lines, the name AZeotropy signifies the goal of achieving a terrific, indestructible relation between the chemical industry and the curriculum for chemical engineering. It aims to manifest the very spirit of Chemical Engineering in young students from all corners of India. It involves a blend of Chemical engineering based competitions, lectures, exhibitions, workshops and many fun-with-learning events.

AZeotropy, IIT Bombay

AZeotropy is annual Chemical Engineering Symposium organized by students of Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay. In Chemical Engineering terminology, Azeotrope is a mixture of two or more liquids whose proportions cannot be altered by simple distillation. On similar lines, the name AZeotropy signifies the goal of achieving a terrific, indestructible relation between the chemical industry and the curriculum for chemical engineering. It aims to manifest the very spirit of Chemical Engineering in young students from all corners of India. It involves a blend of Chemical engineering based competitions, lectures, exhibitions, workshops and many fun-with-learning events.