A Drama in Mexico

"A Drama in Mexico" (French: Un drame au Mexique) is a historical short story by Jules Verne, first published in July 1851 under the title "The First Ships of the Mexican Navy" ("L'Amérique du Sud. Etudes historiques. Les Premiers Navires de la Marine Mexicaine"). In a letter to his father Verne wrote that it "is but a simple adventure-story in the style of Cooper which I am locating in Mexico."

A Drama in Mexico

"A Drama in Mexico" (French: Un drame au Mexique) is a historical short story by Jules Verne, first published in July 1851 under the title "The First Ships of the Mexican Navy" ("L'Amérique du Sud. Etudes historiques. Les Premiers Navires de la Marine Mexicaine"). In a letter to his father Verne wrote that it "is but a simple adventure-story in the style of Cooper which I am locating in Mexico."